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  1. Phonics and Early Reading
  2. SSP Programmes

Systematic Synthetic Phonics Programmes


Please click below for documents referred to in the Moving Forward with Phonics Webinars - September 2021

Self audit document

Government Accelerator Funding for Phonics

Power point presentation


Publishers of Systematic Synthetic Phonics Programmes must complete a self-assessment process based on criteria, which are then reviewed by independent evaluators.

There is no statutory requirement for schools to choose one of the SSP programmes on the validated list. However, validation status indicates that a programme has been self-assessed by its publisher and judged by a small panel with relevant expertise and that both consider it to meet all of the DFE criteria for an effective systematic synthetic phonics programme.

 A complete systematic synthetic phonics (SSP) programme is one that provides:

  • all that is essential to teach SSP to children in reception and key stage 1 years of mainstream primary schools
  • sufficient support for children in reception and key stage 1 to become fluent readers
  • a structured route for most children to meet or exceed the expected standard in the year one phonics screening check
  • all national curriculum expectations for word reading through decoding by the end of key stage 1